IT Outsourcing

ParsEram ITech


IT Outsourcing

Our Services

Our broad experience in catering to multiple industries and addressing clients’ individual needs has made us a versatile software development company. We alleviate the need to staff a full-time IT team while giving you access to services that would cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep in-house.

How to Outsource Software Development?

At PARSERAM we implement an individual approach to each customer as the project scope and requirements may vary. Some clients turn to us with a brief project description, while others – with comprehensive information on the project (documentation, design, mockups, wireframes). No matter what requirements you have, we are always ready to help you. Learn how to start working with us:

1. Requirements Analysis

We thoroughly review your technical requirements and business objectives and select the right outsourcing model. We create a strategic roadmap that will serve as the foundation for the software development project.

2. SLA Preparation

Before we start working on your project, we need to evaluate project complexity and define all the work to be done. The software development team takes the compiled goals and requirements and creates a set of deliverables and deadlines.

3. Delivery and Reporting

Software developers start writing code and building the most important first. We test your software and ensure that it works as intended, is free of bugs, and that sensitive data is protected from cyber threats. We report back on the progress at each stage of your project development.

4. Post-Release Support

Once the development process is complete we create a strategy for successfully deploying and maintaining the software. This strategy ensures that unidentified bugs and errors are fixed once users report the problem to developers. In addition, we add features and improve the product based on collected user feedback.

How to start working with us?

Benefits of Custom Software Development Outsourcing

Outsourcing has been revolutionizing companies of all sizes and industries for over three decades and will continue to make headway. It allows to lower the cost of software development services and focus on running core business while also gaining a partner to assist with the resources you might lack in-house or have hard times hiring on the local market.